021 - How To Prepare For Divorce.

Hey there!  So, this is my first solo episode since episode 3!  Crazy...

When I started the podcast, I was planning on doing more frequent solo shows, but I kept getting great expert guests to come on so it's been one after another.  I hope you're enjoying the podcast so far. I do plan on doing more solo shows because I have so much I want to share with you.  Subscribe if you haven't already so you get all the new episodes when they come out.

This show is about preparing for divorce.  If you are thinking about divorce, but the process hasn't officially started with the court yet, you are in the best position to be in.

I always say that preparation is the most important part of the divorce process.  Why?  Let me tell you!

When you are in preparation mode, you have time on your side.  Once you file a Complaint for divorce with the court, you are on the court's timeline and the court doesn't care if you're prepared, ready to proceed or not.  The court will push you through the system willingly or kicking and screaming.

So, you need to take advantage of the time you have now.  When you are prepared, then you are more confident, feel more empowered and things won't be as overwhelming for you when "it hits the fan."

I review with you the most important parts of preparing for divorce and what you should be thinking about during this crucial time.  Listen, take notes and listen again!

If you are looking for some personal divorce coaching to help you get prepared for your divorce, email me at [email protected] and I will get on a call with you to discuss my different coaching programs.

Enjoy the show and I look forward to helping you get through this difficult time with confidence and integrity.

Jason a/k/a The Divorce Resource Guy